Identity and the Body in Asian American Literature

ASAM 110 Spring 2013

Of Snow

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vincevu's Blog

Of Snow

In this poem, snow is given a hopeful feeling. It is linked to positive images such as wine, romance, and divinity. In my own interpretation, snow reminds me of the image of children playing in it, making snowballs and snowmen. However, snow can also be hazardous, especially to those who have experienced it long enough. The classic example of it is when someone says, “I wish I could live in a snowy town,” and their experienced friend replies, “Honestly, it’s not that great.”

With images of desert and snow, the poem seems to use snow as something rare, unlikely to occur in the land. “Snowmen…melt and melt…” compares snowmen to soldiers by linking the image of death and melting. The snowmen are placed in the Sahara to suggest a sense of hopelessness.

                “Do you need to make angels, really, who then vanish

                Or are angels all…

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One thought on “Of Snow

  1. What do you make, then, of the references to Palestine in this poem?

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